Dear Luis,
As I already told you, the group Open Data Sicilia has a strong interest to host a presentation about the ODINE project in Sicily.
I am writing you to ask your opinion about the feasibility of such event and advice on what to include in a request to the coordinator of the project.
A possible date would be September 4th, in order to include the event in the next ODS meeting, in Palermo. The group would provide a place to hold the presentation, with all the required facilities (e.g. wifi connection, to give the possibility to stream the event online) and an appropriate time slot (about 1,5 hours).
The presentation could be given either in English or in Italian.
Considering the group members and their networks, such an event should gather about 60/70 attendees.
Furthermore, there is the possibility to organise another presentation in Catania on the 3rd, allowing in case to reach a wider public in only one ODINE “tour”.
Would a presentation on that date possible? Is there someone available in those days?
Do you think that the time slot is enough for a presentation and a Q&A session?
In case the beginning of September would not feasible, another possibility could be the first week of October. Some possible dates should be suggested in the request to Elena, so that she can check when someone is available to give the presentation.
Many thanks,
opendatasicilia mailing list
[hidden email]